Memberstack Commenting Beta! (See Latest Updates →)

We’re excited to work with you in this beta to lay a solid foundation for User Generated Content, and can’t wait to see what surprising & inspiring things you all can do with it. (First time you're hearing about this? Click here to join Slack and then search for "beta.")

Our number 1 goal is to get your feedback. Good, bad, and everything else.

  1. Bugs - We’ve done some testing internally, but we know there are more bugs in there. If you see something odd, please let us know.
  2. Ease-of-Use - If you’re ever stuck, confused, or wishing it was easier please let us know. You are the first of thousands (🤞), so your feedback could save literal hundreds of hours of time for others.
  3. Questions -  Ask us anything! Ask us about the future, our motivations, pricing, etc. What do you want to know?

For now, these new functionalities should not be used in production Apps – early access is intended to gather feedback so we can make breaking changes ASAP before launching. For example, just yesterday Tyler completely reworked the database schema to improve long-term performance.

Resources and documentation:


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2 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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