Help Center Article

Josh Lopez

This article explains how to install the Memberstack script and set up your Memberstack application in Webflow. It provides step-by-step instructions on accessing the Install Code page in Memberstack, implementing the script into Webflow, and publishing the changes. The article concludes by suggesting the next steps to create a signup form.

Step 1: Access the Install Code Page


To begin, go to the Install Code page in Memberstack. On this page, you'll find a "Copy code" button. Click on it to copy your personalized header script to your clipboard.

Step 2: Implement the Script into Webflow & Publish


Next, follow these steps in your Webflow project:

  1. While in the Webflow designer view of your Webflow project, click on the top left menu (the "w" or hamburger menu).
  2. A dropdown menu will appear. Click on "Site settings".
  3. Click on the "Custom code" tab.
  4. Paste the Memberstack Webflow Install script in the Head code section. Ensure it is placed at the very top if you have already added code before.
  5. Click on "Save Changes".
  6. After saving, click on "Publish".
  7. Confirm and publish to finalize the installation of your header script.

What's Next?

Now that the code is installed, it's time to Create a Signup Form →. Follow the link to the next article for a guide on how to set up a signup form on your application.


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